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Lunch Visitor Day
Use this form to book a day and time to come have lunch with your child.
(Seating is limited)
School News
Kindergarten Pre-Registration Information for May 5, 2014
2014 - 2015 Kindergarten Pre-Registration Kindergarten pre-registration will be Monday, May 5, 2014 at all Pasco County elementary schools. If you are interested, you should contact the school in your area for details about orientation activities and registration...
American Heart Association
Seven Oaks participated in the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart!

Box-Tops Earn $ for Our School
Collect and return Box-Tops to earn money for our school. Collection sheets, bonus offers, and coupons are available at the Box Tops for Education site. Click on the link at the right for more information. A huge THANK YOU to everyone for collecting over 15,000 box...