Access Badge:
1. Visitors will be assigned an Access Badge for the sole purpose of obtaining entry into the main office after lunch has concluded.
2. Visitors agree to use the Access Badge solely for its intended purpose and to keep it secure at all times.
3. Visitors will be issued one (1) Access Badge per visiting party in exchange for car keys to ensure the return of the access badge.
4. Visitors will return the Access Badge when signing out at the front desk in exchange for car keys.
5. Visitors agree to return the Access Badge promptly and acknowledge that they are responsible for the proper care and use. Visitors acknowledge in the event of any misuse, breach of security or loss/damage of Access Badge, they are liable for the replacement cost and/or damages or losses incurred, and any other penalties. *
Lunch Visitor:
1. Visitors MUST present a physical photo ID AND Raptor into the system that will provide a Visitor Badge before entering our campus.
2. Visitors MUST wear & display their Visitor Badge the entire duration of the visit and return to the front desk when checking out.
3. Due to our enrollment growth & safety commitment for all students, we limit our lunchtime to outdoor seating ONLY at the picnic tables. Please plan accordingly as visitors may not enter the cafeteria - this includes excessive heat, rain, severe weather, no vacant lunch tables, etc.
4. To ensure the safety and supervision of all students, visitors may only have lunch with their own student. No other students can be removed from the cafeteria.
5. Visitors MUST remain with their student for the entire lunch period while providing supervision. *
1. Students will not be called out of class early to meet visitors. They will meet the visitor at the picnic tables when their class is in transition to lunch.
2. Siblings attending SOES will NOT be pulled from class to eat lunch during a lunch period that is not their assigned lunch period.
3. All non-school aged students MUST be supervised by the visitor.
4. Visitors are NOT permitted to bring any non-service animals onto the campus.
5. Visitors may NOT purchase lunch from the school cafeteria.
6. Visitors who cause disruption to the campus environment or are not following safety procedures will be asked to leave the campus. *
Please select the grade and time you will be visiting. *