Seven Oaks Elementary School

Principal: Dr. Shauntte Butcher
Assistant Principal: Juana Luces
27633 Mystic Oak Boulevard
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Phone: (813) 794-0700
Fax: (813) 794-0791

Spring Fling Friday, March 28th

Please join us for the Spring Fling on Friday, March 28th from 6pm to 8pm

Spring Fling Web

March School Days

There will be no school on Friday, March 14th

Spring Break will be the week of March 17th to March 21st

TOY and SRP of the Year

Please be sure to cheer on Ms. Canard and Ms. Robinson for winning Teacher of the Year and SRP of the year!

March Eagle News

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Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.

Lunch Visitor Day

Use this form to book a day and time to come have lunch with your child.

(Seating is limited)

School News

Pasta for Pennies

Seven Oaks Elementary students raised $3532.07 and came in 2nd place in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's  "Pasta for Pennies" campaign out of 250 schools. Pictured holding the plaque are Natalie Ferrera, guidance counselor & Michelle Adgate, teacher of the...

Congratulations to our Tropicana Speech winners!!!!!

Please congratulate our 2014 Tropicana Speech Winners: 1st Place -- Emerson Parks 2nd Place -- Evan Lomba 3rd Place --  Anushka Siddiqui We are very proud of all of our Tropicana Speech participants.  Great work Emerson, Evan & Anushka.  Now on to District....

Important Links

Report Bullying

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