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Lunch Visitor Day
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(Seating is limited)
School News
Congratulations to the Awesome Custodial Staff at Seven Oaks Elementary
Congratulations to the custodial staff at Seven Oaks Elementary for receiving the District Award for OUTSANDING CUSTODIAL SERVICES. We knew we had great staff and are glad their hard work is recognized. Thank you for all your hard work.
Pasta for Pennies
Seven Oaks Elementary students raised $3532.07 and came in 2nd place in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's "Pasta for Pennies" campaign out of 250 schools. Pictured holding the plaque are Natalie Ferrera, guidance counselor & Michelle Adgate, teacher of the...
Congratulations to our Tropicana Speech winners!!!!!
Please congratulate our 2014 Tropicana Speech Winners: 1st Place -- Emerson Parks 2nd Place -- Evan Lomba 3rd Place -- Anushka Siddiqui We are very proud of all of our Tropicana Speech participants. Great work Emerson, Evan & Anushka. Now on to District....