by Richard MacLemale | Jan 16, 2015 | Newsflashes, School News
The above letter will be sent home with all of our students.
by Richard MacLemale | Jan 13, 2015 | Newsflashes, School News
Order your SOES yearbook now by clicking on the banner below.
by Richard MacLemale | Oct 13, 2014 | Newsflashes, School News
The Boosterthon Fun Run kicked off today with a thrilling, enthusiastic, and exciting Pep Rally, and we are super excited about raising funds through the Boosterthon again this year. The Boosterthon Fun Run program involves all students in a fun, team building,...
by Richard MacLemale | Oct 10, 2014 | Newsflashes, School News
Monday: Kick off School Lunch Week Tuesday: Slide on in to the Cafe’ Wednesday: Cast your line for a great school lunch Thursday: Dribble your way into the Cafe’ Friday: Touchdown to a fun week of school lunches Students: Buy a school lunch every day of...